New design changes - Focos

New design changes

ABC Spotlight and Review


Office locations

Paris, Kiev, Berlin, Roma, London, New-York,

Who is ABC?

10,000ft is a Project Management software that helps modern teams make confident decisions about project planning, budget forecasting, team capacity, team utilization, and hiring needs in real-time. More than 1000 of the most innovative companies worldwide use 10,000ft, from 10-person shops to 100-person teams with global brands, to over 1000-person professional services firms. 10,00ft’s design excellence has earned them awards from FastCo, IxDA + IDSA, and SXSW.

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Spotlighting partners

The Focos Partner Network is built on the premise that together, we can accomplish more for our customers. Our partners offer a broad range of tools, services and solutions to help companies deploy Focos across companies providing professional services such as consulting, onboarding, implementing, and customizing. Partners can get set up for success with a certification program, dedicated account manager, sales enablement material, and more.

About Focos

A single place for all of your work apps, social media and email accounts from a desktop app. Focos is streamlined, smooth and a reliable experience. The future of work has changed, more and more of us are working hybrid, Focos is a simple and beautiful solution for managing everything better. Paired with unrivaled data analytics for business owners and their SaaS real estate.

Benefits for business customers

Enable your teams to access all their work apps in one place, not all over the place. Make it easier for your teams to get work done. Less distractions and clutter, more calm and focus. Analyze app data analytics across your company and save money on the apps not being used.

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