Genuitec Review

What is Genuitec?
We recognize the importance of putting developers first and focusing on their specific needs as a small company founded by software developers. We create custom solutions to meet the technology industry’s ever-changing needs. Our origins date to 1997, when our three founders established a business consulting firm. They built and used better software development tools after recognizing a real need. Genuitec started as a small independent software company in 2001, knowing that others would enjoy these tools as well. Genuitec software can be found in various places, from a data center backroom to a laboratory building a supercollider (true story). We work hard to guarantee that our users get good value for their money in this competitive market. That’s why we’ve remained a popular choice among Eclipse users. We’re honored to have two Eclipse Marketplace downloads in the top ten. We’ve also released the first heterogeneous IDE-to-IDE collaboration solution for cloud and on-premise deployments. 16,000 companies in 150 countries use Genuitec’s productivity tool suites, expert consulting, and training services. The Eclipse Foundation, the open-source consortium that manages and directs the Eclipse open-source platform, is a founding member of the company.
MobiOne is a mobile Web and native app developer technology based on WebKit that allows developers to design and build mobile applications using well-known developer languages such as HTML5/CSS3/ and JavaScript. MyEclipse Blue Edition, a full-featured IDE designed specifically for IBM WebSphere users, is also available from Genuitec. MyEclipse Pro, MyEclipse for Spring, and MyEclipse Bling are the company’s other IDEs. Pulse is an ALM technology developed by Genuitec that allows users to obtain, configure, manage, and ship Eclipse-based products. Secure Delivery Center (SDC), Genuitec’s newest product, is a technology that contains Open Source behind a company’s firewall. We recognize how weary it can be to keep up with your technology footprint’s ever-increasing complexity. Genuitec simplifies the development process by combining industry-leading products into a single solution. Suppose you find yourself constantly taping together various technologies and hoping nothing breaks whenever you need to change your environment. In that case, it’s time to get Genuitec and throw the tape away. No more wasting time trying to add tools that barely work together or undoing the damage caused by unvetted software introduced unknowingly by your developers—our single solution delivers the latest technologies in a safe, secure environment. You won’t miss out on new technologies due to the limitations imposed by your current technology choice. No more wasting time trying to integrate tools that barely work together or undoing the damage caused by unvetted software introduced unintentionally by your developers—our single solution provides the most up-to-date technologies in a safe and secure environment. Do you have trouble keeping track of a large number of application servers and the technology stack that goes with them? Relax, knowing that you have access to all of the technologies required for enterprise development in a single, scalable environment. Due to the limitations imposed by your current technology choice, you will not miss out on new technologies.
We don’t limit your options by forcing you to use a limited set of technologies. Our development team is looking for new technologies from all vendors and incorporating the best of them into our solution’s portfolio. We offer the most up-to-date technology, but we also recognize the value of the tried-and-true classics that development organizations require. We keep these important legacy tools up to date, so you don’t have to choose between old and new technologies. Don’t let the fear of supporting legacy software keep you from investing in new technology. We don’t limit your options by forcing you to use a limited set of technologies. Our development team is looking for new technologies from all vendors and incorporating the best of them into our solution’s portfolio. We offer the most up-to-date technology, but we also recognize the value of the tried-and-true classics that development organizations require. We keep these important legacy tools up to date, so you don’t have to choose between old and new technologies. Don’t let the fear of supporting legacy software keep you from investing in new technology. Both actual and productivity costs can add up quickly when supporting multiple environments. Whether you’re working on a desktop, cloud, web frontend, or web backend, we have a single solution for you. Developers have different requirements. We make managing, packaging, and delivering the tools that result in the best development environment for each team’s specific needs simple. Alerts for new tool stacks keep your team in sync. Quick on-boarding saves your company time and money while keeping your developers coding. No harm is a great rule to follow! You’ll appreciate the ability to manage your IDE from behind the firewall if you’ve ever had a developer unintentionally introduce malicious software into your environment. Additionally, certified Eclipse plugins ensure the tool stack’s integrity and allow you to set limits on new add-ons.
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