Facebook Archives - Focos
How to delete a Facebook group

How to delete a Facebook group?

How to delete a Facebook group? If you are an admin of a group that is no longer active or needed maybe it’s time to delete it. Deleting a Facebook group is an irreversible process, once you do it there’s no coming back.  Alternatively, you can deactivate or close the group by archiving it. If … Read more

How to delete a Facebook page

How to delete a Facebook page?

How to delete a Facebook page? People around the world are using Facebook every day. It allows users to create various pages, groups. etc. If you have been using Facebook for years, you can easily be flooded with notifications from old pages. Sometimes it is hard to see your former online self. Seeing all of … Read more

How to contact Facebook

How to contact Facebook?

How to contact Facebook? Have you ever had a problem and you needed to contact Facebook? Maybe you had a question about privacy or you had a problem logging in, maybe your account got disabled for no apparent reasons, etc. The answer is probably yes. So, If you wanted to contact Facebook directly, maybe you … Read more

How to unblock someone on Facebook

How to unblock someone on Facebook?

How to unblock someone on Facebook?> Let’s face it, some people can be extremely annoying on Facebook. Luckily for everyone,  there’s an easy fix for that. You can simply block them. I’m sure a lot of people would agree that a block is a perfect solution and sometimes the only option you have. On the … Read more

How to change your name on Facebook

How to change your name on Facebook?

How to change your name on Facebook? Sometimes people hesitate to use their real names on social media for different reasons. So, whether you decided to change your Facebook name for safety reasons, or to pull off a joke, you can do it – but, you need to pay attention to a couple of things. … Read more

How to delete and deactivate a Facebook account

How to delete and deactivate a Facebook account?

How to delete and deactivate a Facebook account? If you’ve been using Facebook for a long time you are probably familiar with how difficult or even impossible deleting your account used to be. Luckily, times have changed and this process is now quite easy. You can either delete your account or deactivate it. In case … Read more

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